Stringing Ropes

Published On: Nov 03, 2016

Product Description

Stringing ropes are used in the stringing operation in the power transmission.It helps in laying out the conductor accurately.It also helps to maintain tension between the pulling site and tensioner site. Stringing rope is basically an electrical power transmission line. We are the leading manufacturer, suppliers, and exporters of stringing ropes. Earlier in the manual work, the chances of damage to the conductor were very high. It has a good abrasion resistance, UV protection also. The chances of sagging are very low. The athletes of the utility industry – strong enough to tackle the heaviest loads, yet light enough to be dependably handled by man or machine. They also withstand miles of use and abuse and keep on working to get the job done.


  • It is the easiest rope to splice.
  • Excellent handling on winches and pulleys.
  • Open construction allows easy inspection.
  • Good dielectric properties.